zifnab25 [he/him, any]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020

  • Finland and Sweden had such a sweet deal going for decades. All the benefits of membership but none of the costs.

    Now they’re going to get what? A nine-figure obligation to buy shitty US-made suicide helicopters so that you can host a den of heavily armed drunken rapists who will be the first folks smashed into paste on the day one of a shooting war into St. Petersberg?

    Name one Unaligned state that didn’t come out of the Cold War better than they started? Meanwhile, all the big power players in NATO - your UKs and Germanys and Hungarys and Slovenias - are absolutely eating shit right now. Ukraine just asks to join NATO and now half their country is owned by Russia. Just an absolute raw deal, even before you compare them to any of the BRICS.