I ask this question because many anti-natalist points have in the last years gone mainstream and this includes the view that it’s unethical to bring a child into our current messed up world. I myself have had to battle with this view because me and my partner have wanted children since we were children ourselves and being challenged on that from a ethical perspective have forced us to really think about it closely.

When I think of my own birth I view of it as a very positive thing. I really can’t say life has been perfect or without troubles but I mostly enjoy life as it is both today and when I was younger, even with everything going on. So would I have chosen to be birthed again? I absolutely would! However this does not support myself having children because this could only rectify my own parents decision to have me. While I do know I have enjoyed my own life I can’t know in advance if my future children will enjoy life. The question is, will my own children born in the 2020s have liked to have been born?

This is of course an impossible question to answer since it requires predicting the future. I think 2015 was better than 2025. But how will 2035 be? How about 2100? My potential children will live so far into the future it’s incredibly hard to know if the world will be good or bad at the end, or even the middle of their lives. However if a life is not worth living it must be an absolutely horrific and torterous experience. Is that really where we are headed? Is it really gonna get THAT bad? Well that depends on how optimistic/pessimistic you are. No one actually knows what it is gonna be like.

There is one point however that I think is not discussed enough and that is about who are the ones having children? No this is not about the immigrants or muslims or whatever you have heard from the far right in regards to this. No this is about the fact that today if you are conservative, without a college degree and highly religious then you’re much more likely to have children. If all of us liberal and educated folks stop having kids what will the world look like? According to current projections the US will be majority amish by 2233. Is that the future we want? If conservatives and especially ultra-conservatives are the only ones having children then the liberal movement will have to be fighting an uphill battle if their only members are “converts” from those brought up in conservative households. That can’t end well can it? If I manage to raise reasonable and well brought up people, then that will improve the life quality of other people as well wouldn’t it? But at the same time I can’t expect my children to become future politicians who will save our decaying world. What are you all’s thoughts about this?

  • TXL@sopuli.xyz
    10 days ago

    There aren’t many, if any, places on the world that still looks safe or will look safe for long. Of course some will hold out longer if no global catastrophe hits and things just keep falling apart piece by piece.