I haven’t used a clock in years that I need to manually reset. Older people don’t seem to realize clocks on phones and other devices reset automatically.
I haven’t used a clock in years that I need to manually reset. Older people don’t seem to realize clocks on phones and other devices reset automatically.
You don’t have a car, oven, or microwave that isn’t internet connected?
This is the worst timeline
Some devices doesn’t need internet.
If they can count the days of the years, its possible the DST fuction is already built in.
If the device doesn’t have Internet access I don’t want it to have DST built in. Time changes can be dependent on changes in your government. We’ve already had its start date change years ago. Recently there’s even been some vocal officials talking about ending it entirely.
My oven doesnt have a clock. And dont rely on my car for the time. It cant even keep accurate time anyway.