Partial Common Ownership: A New Model for Ownership - A new alternative to capitalist private property that addresses scarcity in the small

Partial Common Ownership (PCO) is a flexible template for reconfiguring property relations, which has inspired many of us at RadicalxChange because it opens the door to a different kind of conversation about capitalism.


  • J Lou@mastodon.socialOP
    2 months ago

    A worker coop is a firm. A pure market is trade between people that have no direct social ties prior.

    Weyl’s mechanisms become relevant in larger communities where Elinor Ostrom’s method doesn’t work as well. Currencies can be community oriented by having build in fees that go into the community fund that scale with social distance. They can emphasize a logic of commitment

    Capitalism emphasizes the logic of exit to the exclusion of the logic of commitment. This is dehumanizing