• lemmefixdat4u@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    You don’t live in a rural area, do you? Yeah, Trump is a trainwreck. I won’t vote for anyone so antithetical to what is right. Biden is currently the lesser of two evils. My point is that I’m voting -against- Trump. I’m actually hoping Biden does terrible in the debate, allowing another candidate to become a contender. I’d rather vote for someone I actually want to be president.

    Biden is borderline senile. He’s like a well-meaning but incompetent father. His party stands for many things I totally disagree with. I can’t buy gas-powered tools to maintain my orchard because of Democrat “one-size-fits-all” regulations. Instead, I’m paying thousands for electric tools that need multiple batteries. They do the work slower, and that means more man-hours of labor. You see that as higher produce prices.

    Every year I torch thousands of pounds of wood from the 3 acres of forest that I’m required to manage. I could use it to heat my home, but CARB (controlled by Democrats) won’t let me have an outdoor boiler. Instead I use electricity that comes from non-renewable resources and burn the wood in a big pile every spring, creating 10 times the pollution of that boiler and consuming 3 days of my time. The only other option for us rural folk is to haul it to the dump and pay $300 a truckload. And Democrats are holding up the biomass power project in my town over pollution concerns. That facility would give us a place to take green waste, reduce our fire danger, and probably lower our electric utility rate.

    The fire danger here is directly a result of Democrat-led forest management - or lack thereof. Their anti-lumber industry policies caused the town’s mill to close 15 years ago. Without thinning, the forest was primed for the destructive fires that have swept the area. That has made fire insurance unaffordable. Mine was $800 just 5 years ago. Today it’s $6500. Others in my area are paying a lot more. One neighbor got a renewal letter for $85,000.

    Sorry for the lengthy post. I wanted to show that I have legitimate reasons for not wanting a president from a party that is making my life more difficult. But vote for Trump? Not happening.

    Edit: typo

    • KevonLooney@lemm.ee
      4 months ago

      These are all small and petty things to worry about. Your orchard maintenance is your biggest problem? Talking about CARB indicates that you’re in CA. You want more people to have wood burning boilers, even though your state has massive annual wildfires? Are you even listening to yourself?

      All of your complaints revolve around burning things. I know people who work for CAL FIRE. You are wrong about forest fires. Small trees planted for lumber burn more easily than mature trees with thick bark.


      And I’m sure if you ever need to use the terrible big government services you dislike (possibly because of a fire), you won’t hesitate to ask for a handout.

      • lemmefixdat4u@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        The only thing that stopped the last big fire from burning down my home was a clear-cut patchwork left over from the last logging operation 15 years ago. It allowed CalFire to establish a firebreak. In areas that had not been logged in 50 years, folks lost their homes. I’m a member of my community’s Fire Safe Council. We have retired CalFire chiefs on our board. They were the ones who told me that California’s opposition to logging has resulted in major fuel loads with no firebreaks and a rapidly degrading network of logging roads that are used to fight fires. You can quote articles by tree huggers like the NFF. I see the thousands of acres of dead burned “mature” trees with “thick bark” just up the road.

        You say my complaints are petty. People are losing their homes because of the out of control increases in fire insurance. People are worried about what they’ll use to power their homes during our frequent outages when CARB outlaws gas generators. California Democrats want us to go all electric. I’m all electric. My utility bill last month was $500. I’m expecting $700 for this month.

        Know what starts big fires here? The electric company. My utility company deferred essential maintenance for over 50 years with the blessing of the California Public Utilities Commission. Camp Fire, LNU Complex Fire, Mosquito Fire, Dixie Fire - those were all major wildfires caused by PG&E. Now they want to play catch up by undergrounding power lines and hike our rates even more to pay for it - again with the approval of the CPUC.

        If you believe that outdoor boilers are a fire hazard, you have never seen one. Burning wood waste is carbon neutral, yet the EPA and CARB restrict the use of a method of combustion that’s over three times as efficient and clean compared to a fireplace. They’re one of the safest ways to burn biomass. Safer than a fireplace and much safer than an open fire, which is how most folks in my area dispose of green waste. We had 4 fires this year in my county due to people burning green waste. How many fires nationwide were due to outdoor boilers?