• 81 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • I’d think you would end up living differently just because of the scale.

    Let’s say you were suddenly handed 100 million dollars. Lottery, inheritance, whatever.

    I don’t know what your annual salary is, but for me, that’s 694.4 years worth of annual income.

    So “paying myself” my current annual salary, which NGL, is pretty comfortable, it would take 694.4 years to burn through $100M.

    Of course interest changes that as well. Capping yourself at whatever your annual income is would likely see your wealth continuing to grow and never shrink.

    All of a sudden, a world of possibilities opens to you. Vacation rentals? Screw that, vacation HOMES. AirBNB them 96% of the time (50/52 weeks a year) and that’s more money on the pile.

  • Ooh, that’s a tough call… I really can’t say I have a single favorite, best I can do is say a favorite per generation:

    1. Pong - the one that started it all. Also taught everyone about screen burn in.

    2. Atari 2600 - Hands down, one of the all time greats.

    3. NES - Hard to beat Super Mario 3, but my favorite game of this generation was Phantasy Star on the Sega Master System.

    4. Sega Genesis - Sorry, the SNES never grabbed me, although Super Star Wars was a great game. Best home version of Street Fighter II was on the Turbo Grafx/Duo of all things.

    • I’m going to add an “unofficial” generation here. You will never see this on any official list. Call it 4.5. There was a weird period of time where everyone and their cousin was doing a CD based machine. Sega CD, Turbo CD, Pioneer LaserActive, a whole bunch of crappy “set top boxes” like the Phillips CDi and Tandy Viz. The best of the bunch, with the most games and the best games was the Sega CD.
    1. Playstation - Another all time great.

    2. As much as I love the Dreamcast, it was murdered pre-maturely by Sega. Xbox and Halo just demolished everything else. I don’t know that we ever got an official “Halo Killer” until it suicided with Halo Infinite.

    3. Xbox 360 - Sony handicapped itself with the overly complex cell processor. Games just weren’t as good as the 360.

    4. PS4 - In this case, Microsoft handicapped itself by fundamentally misunderstanding why people buy consoles. It’s to play games, not “tv, tv, tv, tv, tv, sports, tv, tv, tv.”

    • Another unofficial generation, call it 8.5, where you had the PS4 Pro, Xbox One S and Xbox One X - The One X was the clear winner with more power, 4K enhancements and a 4K Blu Ray player.
    1. Playstation 5 - Microsoft is losing the plot with Gamepass, to the detriment of the entire industry.

  • Or worse, I can afford it but still can’t go because my wife can’t get the time off from work.

    She had to get a doctors note to get 2 extra days off around the 4th to recover from surgery(!)

    Surgery aside, I would have loved to have packed up this week and spent it someplace fun. My wife would have only had Thursday off. She got Wed, Thur, Fri only because her doctor told her employer to get fucked.

    It’s not like I can go “Sorry honey! Headed to Vegas! See you in a week!” Well… not if I wanted to STAY married.