Listed below are the positions and the main areas of responsibility for each Executive Member.

Central Bedfordshire Executive

Executive Member Position Areas of responsibility
Councillor Zerny Leader Local Plan and Planning, OCE​
Councillor Smith Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Health Adult Social Care, Health and well-being, Public Health, NHS liaison
Councillor Wye Executive Member for Sustainability and Climate Resilience Sustainability, Public transport, Active travel, Licensing, Libraries, Grants
Councillor Watkins Executive Member for Assets, Business and Housing​ Property and Assets, Housing, Business growth, Leisure
Councillor Baker Executive Member for Finance and Highways Finance, Highways, Town and Parish Councils, IT, Legal, Public Protection
Councillor Owen Executive Member for Children’s Services Children’s Services, School transport, SEND, Community Safety

The political make-up of the Council is available on the Council’s website.