OK… let’s adjust the doomsday clock again.
It sure seems that we’re slowly walking into a much wider conflict.
It’s like we wake up to a new headache now when it comes to a full global conflict.
Every country in the world is squaring off with alliances. Starting to feel very World War I.
After the rumors of South Korea building tanks in eastern Europe, this move do be making sense. I wonder if NATO will ever expand to include Pacific partners?
Given it’s called the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, I have my doubts.
However, there’s certainly the possibility of a similar mutual defense pact emerging in the Pacific, which includes NATO nations (read: the United States and Canada).
Uhhh. So either bloody gold rush mentality or USA cracking that whip, eh?
Ugh for fuck sakes. Enough of this shit.
About time! One of the few countries that can actually fill orders and deliver shit in the world unlike limp dick EU