The American media loves saying that, but does it really have a right to exist? Does an apartheid colonizing regime have the right to exist in someone else’s land?

    1 year ago

    The point is… It doesn’t matter now…most of the islamic world except Iran has forgotten their brethren and most of big powers are doing lip service for palestine sympathy. I mean we can bark how much we can… It doesn’t matter to Israel itself. Israel has absorbed most of palestine state and in few years they will absorb more and will erase the historical memory of any Palestinian state. Most Palestinians will flee to Jordon or Lebanon or will become a 2nd class citizen. The hard truth is how much we say occasionally that we are fighting for Palestine the state got finished when Egypt did it’s accords with US and most of Islamic world along with USSR failed to intervene when Israel broke the UN partition plan. The one thing we can try is to change the internal politics of Israel to become a secular country instead of being this apartheid entity but that too requires many adjustments in the world political movement. Right wing jewish lobby is strong in the US and in Europe and they tow the genocidal apartheid line of Israel. It’s sad to see a state sponsored genocide and silence of the world media but sadly it was all over when USSR collapsed. It will take hundreds of years to undo the harm done.

    • Camarada
      1 year ago

      Arguing that there’s not much to be done is not that useful. There’s always something to be done. The South African apartheid lasted for decades, but it was eventually over too.

        1 year ago

        Bro, you are forgetting something in the equation. USSR was there and they intervened in every part of the globe with good faith. China’s policy is non interventionist and Russia doesn’t care truth to be told. South Africa didn’t have nukes… Israel has it.

        • ☭CommieWolf☆
          1 year ago

          Russia doesn’t have to care, neither does China, what is changing is that the west is becoming weaker, due to the actions of Russia and the growth of Chinese economic power and diplomacy, the Saudi-Iran deal being a great example of this. Western support is the primary root of Israel’s power, and in a multipolar world that support will wane. This doomerism that nothing can be done is only under the assumption that Israel will remain backed by superpowers forever.

          Also just as a side note, South Africa did actually have nukes, up until the 90s. They collaborated with none other than Israel to develop them too, as it happens.

            1 year ago

            West is not weak , its actually a false belief started by westoid right wingers and Russia’s Lavrov. The multipolar world consist of fascist to non interventionist countries , I mean I don’t expect Lula and India’s Modi to speak about Palestinian cause or do anything about it . US has 800 bases and immense military prowess , it will take decades for west to plunge into recession and never recover. 2ndly , I request foreign comrades to walk to the talk , what so called western left have achieved for Palestine ? Absolutely nothing. only Jeremy Corbyn spoke about it and he was ejected from mainstream labour party . That’s all you folks can do. I am not a doomer , I am a practical man , practically you comrades can cry a lot here or sing about Palestine but that won’t change the reality which Palestine state is finished and its people in Gaza strip are living in an immense blockade for decades. And don’t trust Saudi Arabia for Palestine , one day they went for BRICS and the next day they went for India , middle east corridor to appease US.

            • ☭CommieWolf☆
              1 year ago

              When did I bring up the “Western Left”? You assume that I’m some sort of champagne socialist that parrots what I hear on the internet? I have been to the region and spoken to Palestinians myself, don’t delude yourself into thinking its anywhere near “finished” for them. I don’t care what the west says, nor what Lavrov says, I simply stand with the Palestinians, and if they say that its not over, then it isn’t fucking over. You can say something is “practical” or not based on whatever your own concept of the word is. Is it practical to allow the genocidal regime in occupied Palestine to keep doing what they’re doing? Maybe you say yes, maybe most non Palestinians will say yes, but I don’t care what most people say, because it sure a hell is not practical for Palestine, thats where I take my cue.

                1 year ago

                “Is it practical to allow the genocidal regime in occupied Palestine to keep doing what they’re doing? Maybe you say yes,”- haha , I didn’t say i don’t stand with them , It is just you accused me of Doomerism , I said I am not a doomer but I specifically don’t believe in Idealism. Palestinains are still there but the matter of the fact with your support too , Israel will evict them , its going to happen and its not that I don’t support them , its the fact that westerners are mainly silent on this issue , global south is weak and careless including China, Islamic countries don’t care except Iran . Without external help Israel can’t be defeated that’s an absolute fact. few commies in Lemmy won’t change the reality on ground , same goes with BDS movement .

                • ☭CommieWolf☆
                  1 year ago

                  Then what exactly do you mean by calling yourself a “practical man”? If all you’re really doing is saying “something bad is likely to happen”, thats one thing, but resigning yourself to that and saying “It does not matter now” is absolutely doomerism, try telling this to a Palestinian and see what happens. No Palestinian benefits from random commies on lemmy saying shit online, but they certainly don’t benefit any more from people claiming they’re a lost cause because their oppressor has nukes.

                    1 year ago

                    Man , I am all ears of your heroism if you can relocate those people from Gaza to a suitable place in any Arab country , otherwise I don’t think anyone of you can stop the genocide. " it doesn’t matter" how much right it has morally but it “exists” and its an absolute fact and its also a fact that you , I and commies from lemmy alone can’t change the facts on ground . " try telling this to a Palestinian and see what happens." - Are you giving me a death threat here ? There are Rohingya people who fled from Myanmar after facing decades of genocide and persecution in large numbers and now are settled in Bangladesh’s slum . Where are the commie organizations ? Why can’t China and Russia ask Myanmar to retake their own people ? Where is the Islamic organization ? They won’t do any shit for these people just like western commies solidarity to Rohingya and Palestiniains . Westerners talk a lot and do a little in grand scheme of things , Palestinian solidarity from the western world is just a facade on the corpses of humanity.