On lemmy.world I posted a comment on how liberals use ‘tankie’ as an invective to shut down dialogue and received tons of hateful replies. I tried to respond in a rational way to each. Someone’s said ‘get educated’ I responded ‘Im reading Norman Finkelstein’s I’ll burn that bridge when I get there’ and tried to keep it civil.

They deleted every comment I made and banned me. Proving my point, they just want to shut down dialogue. Freedom of speech doesn’t existing in those ‘totalitarian’ countries right? But in our ‘enlightened’ western countries we just delete you.

  • FoxAndKitten@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    So I’ve heard tankies defined as “someone who specifically supports the centralized, authorization flavor of communism practiced by the USSR”. They also often mention worship of Stalin and Mao, and a revisionist version of history supporting such a stance

    This seems odd to me, especially since a group of tankies flocked early to a decentralized platform geared for long-form discussions

    Personally, I believe capitalism is an ideological virus. You can trace a clear path from the Roman empire to the modern day, where a hyper-specialized society eradicated every other system of resource husbandry by sloppily harvesting as quick as possible and using that advantage to gangpress everyone else into service under them (and destroying anything that would even slightly slow down the process )

    I don’t think communism is the answer, because I don’t think it’s a path we can walk without first curing the disease, but the guiding concepts resonate with me.

    So in that light, I’d like to ask in good faith:

    Self-identified tankies - how do you define a tankie?

    • rekliner@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      you’re not going to get an answer because people don’t self identify as a tankie - it’s a pejorative term. you should ask for the opinion of modern marxist-lenninists and you’ll get plenty of explanation. like most political persuasions it’s not the ideology that is flawed it’s the execution.

      • FoxAndKitten@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Fair enough, a pejorative term for what exactly though? The most nuanced answer I’ve gotten is from a proponent of communism who pointed at the authoritarian bent to it… Which seems super weird to me.

        The way I see it, a bureaucracy has more leeway in allocating goods the higher up you go, which is very literal administrative capitol - it’s totally in conflict with the core concept of Marx, which is a person getting the fruits of their own labor, and no one getting to milk others (which is really the only way to get much inequality)

        I’m a lot more critical of lennonists. While on the surface it imitates capitalism’s ability to optimize production (and with a more aligned goal, minimizing scarcity instead of maximizing the supply-demand equation), it also reintroduces the alignment problem. As you scale up, individual action and ideological beliefs become blips in the data, and the super organism created through humans arranged in the structure.

        Individuals have a perverse incentive to maximize their own authority, the number of people under them, and the scale of their operations - by doing that they appear more meritocratous and are more likely to move up the hierarchy. Eventually someone gets the idea to fudge the numbers, and since the metrics are too complex to spot this in a spreadsheet, the most widely selected for skill to move up the ladder is to distort (or spin) the numbers so an individual appears to be serving a greater need than what actually exists.

        Lennon’s theory is great, the more centralized the distribution, the greater the potential for optimization - but it ignores the emergent properties that appear when humans form an entity too complex for individual humans to grasp the full picture. You can reign in the worst excesses through watchdogs and harsh punishments, but ultimately that just becomes another layer for power to concentrate. You can keep layering and slow down the rot, but it’s a fundamental alignment problem - either you purposely concentrate the power in a person or group and regress to autocracy, or you constantly keep adding layers of checks and balances (which eats away at the efficiency gains)

        So I see a fundamental contradiction here, which is why I can get behind techno-communism with intelligent agents running the show, or I can get behind decentralizing the system and creating something more anarchistic (or ideally, both), but Lennon always seemed to me to be a smart architect given a problem with a scale and an urgency beyond his abilities

        Or am I missing something fundamental?

        • spacedout@lemmy.ml
          1 year ago

          Just because a state brands itself socialist doesn’t say anything about the level of democracy or workers’ control of it.

            • spacedout@lemmy.ml
              1 year ago

              Well IMHO both USSR and China shows how gaining workers control and keeping it, or moreso making significant headway towards communism, is just much more complicated. Representative worker ownership of the means of production through the state doesn’t have a compelling track record. I think it’s dishonest, reactionary and anti intellectual to laugh off arguments like that of comrade spood from the screenshot above.

              Edit: checked out my claim on calorie intake and discovered it was dubious. Removed, but letting the main argument stay.

              • The USSR was eventually compromised, so it technically failed in that sense, but how is China an example of failing to retain worker control? If you’re claiming that capitalists control China’s government, I’d challenge you to provide some evidence

                • spacedout@lemmy.ml
                  1 year ago

                  Lack of press freedom, organization freedom, social credit system, great firewall of China, over 2000 work hours pr year (France has 1500), severely low scores in democracy rankings. This doesn’t smell much like worker control, more like authoritarianism. But then again, I’m very much from the West. Happy to be educated on my shortcomings in understanding 👍

    • Łumało [he/him]@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      Holy shit what an insufferable group.

      “Define Tankie”

      Red fascist

      Who defines a buzzword with a buzzword ffs.

      Also! (Paraphrasing)

      […] people who justify genocides. […]

      'scuze me what the fuck? Who here says genocides are cool and good actually? We are like the first fuckers to point them out and scream about them???

      And even more!

      Comrade Spood

      Now that’s dose of Anarcho-Debilizm let me tell you. “Just press the communism button Xi and we’ll succeed no problem! They will just let us exist and everyone will love each other :3”

      And it just still keeps going!

      Educate yourself. / Please change and grow as a person. / Read a book.

      Motherfuckers I read too much compared to your sorry asses.

  • Hive68@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    If someone calls me a tankie I roll my eyes, but what makes my blood boil is the term “red fascist.” What the actual F? I would have been in a fascist concentration camp for at least 3 reasons

    • Valbrandur@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      No need to resort to suppositions; just look at Thälmann.

      The term of “red fascist” is not only (purposefully) insulting to the memory of actual MLs who came under repression and execution from the hands of fascists (and ignoring that in many fascist states they were the forefront of resistance against it, see: the PCE under francoist Spain), but also dangerous as it blurs fascism as a word with a meaning, making actual fascism harder to identify and, thus, to combat.

      • knfrmity@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        There’s a reason why fascism has to be redefined, blurred, or otherwise trivialized. Most libs don’t do it on purpose but they serve reaction by doing so. If we actually learned the true socio-economic definition of fascism we’d very quickly realize that the golden billion live in nations which are arguably fascist.

      • SomeLemmyUser@discuss.tchncs.de
        1 year ago

        Hm interesting, seems to dedependent on your locality. Where I live, there are lots of communists, anarchists materialists and general left at university’s, factories and unions, but there is also a (very small) group of communists, who loves stalin,think everything that Russia does is automatically good (mostly while denieng they are a imperialist state) and everyone who doesn’t treat Lenin’s and Stalin’s books like sacred texts which need to be followed down to the letter (instead of valuable contributions to a scientific debate) is wrong by definition and need to be shut down. All new Marxist philosophy’s (material feminism, postkolonial study’s, frankfurter schule, etc. Pp.) get denied the right to exist, people who write or work in other communist schools of thinking then them are called a counter revolutionary and spat on and threatens to get killed in the revolution. Furthermore they make it very clear, that everyone who hasn’t exactly the same opinion as them is not welcomed in their communist utopia and would get put in to gulags (yes they use that word with pride) or directly killed by them/the state

        Those people are get called tankies by the much bigger rest of th e communist/Marxist scene

        So when people over here self describe as tankies and wear that label with pride (happend under this post)I was quite puzzled.

        At least here its not a general slur against communists (like queer were for homosexuals) which can be turned around easily, it is a very specific description of a very specific group of people in the communists scene

        So the people who call others tankies are almost never liberals (they don’t even know that word, they just say communists and think this is enough of insult), it’s mostly other Marxists/communists or more or less close ideology’s like anarchists or socialists

        • m532@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          They don’t like you because you carry water for the colonialist usa. The people outside the west must be liberated and idealists like you want to stop their liberators because they are not clean enough or something. “Oh no they used violence once”

          Oh and most of the nonwestern progressives fit your definition of t*****. Oh it’s a slur that targets mostly non-caucasians again.

          • SomeLemmyUser@discuss.tchncs.de
            1 year ago

            Oh you again, your the best of them all.

            Soo let me recap:

            You criticise anything about russia (like saying not everything they do is automatically good) --> you carry water for the USA

            The man says the people outside the west need to be liberated.

            I would agree, I would even say the people inside the west needs to be liberated. The world needs to be liberated.

            But he thinks, the people in Russia or China are already liberated or even are the liberators.

            Did it ever occur to you, that those countries are just imoerialisric states with a bad communist mask?

            Or is your liberty one where you get put in jail or worse if you are gay, where the working class still works for rich old man and gets almost nothing, where ideological power is maintained through prisons and shootings?

            • m532@lemmygrad.ml
              1 year ago

              In the west, you lose your job, then go homeless and then get put in jail when you do not conform to the cishet ableist neurotypical society.

              The people in russia have been re-enslaved by the west.

              The people in the west are mostly complicit in the usa’s imperialism, they don’t need to be “liberated” from their slavery loot.

              Edit: and you are a nazi enabler.

  • tookmyname@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Totally agree. Edgy Russian conquest apologists is far more apt. I hate the modern use of the term “tankie.” “Tankies” were at least communist. Had some ideas and principles. Neither Russia nor China has communist core economic systems.

      • tookmyname@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        “So many words” I’m sorry my “micro blog” isn’t micro enough for you, message board warrior.

        Not sure you understand what communism is. Nor how financial systems work. China is no more communist than North Korea is a republic.

        • Absolute@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          Mate you’re really making yourself look like a fool here I’d just quit while you’re ahead. Clear as day you haven’t a clue about geopolitics or economics. Must have missed the stop for reddit.

        • bobs_guns@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          I just don’t get why people are downvotin’ this comrade when they are clearly correct. According to the party doctrine on socialism with Chinese characteristics, China is not presently communist but is in the primary stage of socialism, aiming to develop towards full, egalitarian socialism and then on towards communism as the productive forces are modernized and the society develops further.

  • Valbrandur@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    By the way, it seems that moderators in 196 are deleting those comments from lemmygrad posters in a way that appear as visible while seen from lemmygrad while they appear as deleted by mods from any other instances (or so I suppose, I do not know very well how does Lemmy work). This is happening even if there is no breaking of rules in sight.

    • IntoDaLagoon@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      it seems that moderators in 196 are deleting those comments from lemmygrad posters in a way that appear as visible while seen from lemmygrad while they appear as deleted by mods from any other instances

      Whoa, that’s pretty 1984 Animal House of them

  • ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Go ahead liberals. Call me a tankie. See if I give one ten thousandth of a fuck. Literally such a low-tier insult. “Uhh its like… uh…you support this large cool looking machine that stopped Color Revolutions and was responsible for Liberating the Eastern Front during World War II” “Yea, I do😐” “😨”

    • SomeLemmyUser@discuss.tchncs.de
      1 year ago

      Tankie means you approve when a communist state uses military/tanks against its own people… Not against a Nazi state. I would reconsider if you really want to wear that label with pride…

      • Pili@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        That’s correct, specifically a state that uses tanks against its people in revolt.

        However, people on Reddit (and on Lemmy now) basically use it to refer to any leftist they have a disagreement with.

        • SomeLemmyUser@discuss.tchncs.de
          1 year ago

          Well saying tankies support using tanks against civilians gets you down voted on lemmygrad.

          No tankies here though, all just libs propaganda


              • m532@lemmygrad.ml
                1 year ago

                Because if you would answer that you would have to admit that the wokes were right.

                This is a rhetorical trap called “reality”.

                • SomeLemmyUser@discuss.tchncs.de
                  1 year ago

                  Oh I think there are a lot of people who get called woke and are right. Your rhetorical trap is not reality, its trying to get me to say something which confirms your prejustices.

                  Remember, my claim, forwhich you guys are fighting me here was “tankie” has other than “someone I don’t like”

                  You attacked me verbally for saying that, and then realized, that you can’t win this argument, cause in reality you agree with me so you try to shift the battlefield to a discussion you can win (and kept pressing really hard with your Hungarian Nazis ^^)

                  That’s your rhetorical strategy, it has nothing to do with reality ;)

      • Muad'Dibber@lemmygrad.mlM
        1 year ago

        Tankie just means “any communist I don’t like” at this point. Take your McCarthyism and complete ignorance about color revolutions elsewhere.

            • SomeLemmyUser@discuss.tchncs.de
              1 year ago

              Look what people wrote as replies to my comment, look how the upvote downvote numbers are, think.

              My key takeaway from this post is: people on lemmygrad say they are interested in discussion and all those other instances are oh so bad, because they block them or doenvote them or call them tankies, which people on lemmygrad interpret as slur.

              At the same time, you get down voted to oblivion, when you even write the definition of tankies to someone, who calls himself one. People who are pride to be a tankies onLemmygrad: cherished People who criticise this in anyway: laught at.

              And simultaneously everyone who calls anyone else except him self a tankie no matter the context is automatically a liberal, when Servers defederate them, they are all facists or love fascists

              People making strawman arguments when I say in a discussion that I don’t agree with Stalin (“ohhh so capitalism is sooo much better” - no, its not, and I didn’t say that, I can disagree with capitalism and stlinism at the same time, go figure)

              And people defending (literal) tankies get upvoted, people who don’t get down voted.

              This server has lost one of the strongest tools in material dialectic: (self-) critical thinking

              I really hoped I would find interesting debates here, but this is a circlejerk

              At what point will self reflection kick in? At what point t people in an echo chamber realise its one?

              • m532@lemmygrad.ml
                1 year ago

                If you don’t send tanks into hungary, the nazis will do pogroms and construct concentration camps there. Not sending tanks is inhumanly cruel.

                • ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml
                  1 year ago

                  I 100% agree, and tho I very much like Stalin(he’s my favorite writer) it doesn’t take a “Stalinist” to understand that Color Revolutions and Nazism need to be crushed for socialism to survive

                • SomeLemmyUser@discuss.tchncs.de
                  1 year ago

                  Yeah, cause stating “tankie” means “every communist I don’t like” is the only truth and like saying 1+1 =2

                  Also comparing societal questions to mathematical ones is totally unconcerning


          • lemmyseizethemeans@lemmygrad.mlOP
            1 year ago

            There’s a really great graphic novel called ‘Berlin’ that goes into how the Nazis came to be, how the communists were the ones that organized worker strikes to stop railroads to death camps etc. I don’t think our meme warfare on the net will change anything but if your looking for a fun read checkit. Is there anything you would recommend for me? I probably I’ll read it. I’m a reader.

            • SomeLemmyUser@discuss.tchncs.de
              1 year ago

              Oh i totaly agree that communists were often the strongest force against fascists. Don’t have to like Stalin to be a communist nor to be antifascist though