• nednobbins@lemm.ee
    13 days ago

    This feels like one of those 90’s purity tests. I’ll play

    1. I read daily.

    2. I have native fluency in two languages and I’m learning a 3rd.

    3. I’m terrible at playing the violin but I can do it and I can read sheet music.

    4. My wife and I cook almost all our meals.

    5. I’m not good at woodworking but I do most of the woodworking around the house.

    6. I know next to nothing about painting. I’m bad at painting walls and my art painting looks worse than what my kids do.

    7. I’m OK at writing.

    8. No. I’ll help my wife in the garden but if it’s left to me, everything will die.

    9. Come on. Who doesn’t like swimming.

    10. Photography is kind of meh for me. That’s more my wife’s hobby.

    11. I took the family to the path of totality this summer so we could see the solar prominence through a 10" Newtonian.

    12. Hiking is fun for the whole family.

    13. I fletch and put tips on my own arrows. I’m an OK shot with a bow.

    14. I made a crappy BBQ fork by making some metal really hot and hitting it with a hammer. I’ve been experimenting with lost PLA metal casting.

    15. We used to travel. Now we have kids.

    16. I encouraged my kids to read comic books when they were learning to read.

    17. I helped my kids make some pretty awesome costumes. My typical Halloween costume is a hat. That only counts as a costume because I don’t normally wear hats.

    18. I debate too much. My wife hates it.

    19. I used to drink like a fish. I quit several years ago.

    20. There are some MTG cards somewhere in the house.

    21. I rarely watch any movies, animated or otherwise.

    22. I went to a goth club once about 20 yeas ago and the girls I was going with insisted on putting black makeup on me. Makeup is hella uncomfortable. Never doing that again.

    23. “Crypto” is a word that often means the speaker knows nothing about cryptography.

    24. Don’t smoke.

    25. Seals never hurt me. Why would I club them?

    26. I once injected a marijuana and now I’m dead.

    27. What is the difference between a Funko and a boblehead? Why would either of them constitute a hobby?

    28. I’m not arguing. You’re arguing.

    29. I don’t watch porn. I’m a connoisseur of sophisticated erotica.

    30. I’ve taken way too many statistics courses to find gambling interesting.

    31. Manosphere sounds like a dumb nickname for one of your nuts.

    PS How do women feel about infographic makers that get confused between 15 and 16?