Apparently, he didn’t get that close before he was caught in the bushes at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago golf course. Shots were fired, but it might have just been shots between Secret Service and him. The shooter was caught after a camera picked up his license plate after somebody took a picture of his car as he was fleeing.

    1 month ago

    As much as I hate liberals, sometimes lately I wonder if they have a point that Trump and the rethuglicans actually will be able to destroy the extremely miniscule amount of freedoms or privileges that Americans enjoy.

    Not that voting is the end all be all, or that Kkkopmala Harris isn’t probably worse, but regardless.

    • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️
      1 month ago

      I wonder if they have a point that Trump and the rethuglicans actually will be able to destroy the extremely miniscule amount of freedoms or privileges that Americans enjoy.

      You mean, if Trump will be able to destroy those “freedoms,” before the liberals have the chance to do so? Maybe they have a point, but it’s not much of one (and they play an equal or greater role in accelerating this process IMO) and they don’t exactly promise to change the course (which they have been the ones to push through, more so than Trump and well before Trump was ever elected).

      IMO- don’t fall for their schtick. Neither side has anything meaningful to offer (and refuses to offer anything meaningful) other than threats that the other will do exactly as they have and are blatantly intending- and fearmongering about the red/blue doing it first and “to the wrong people.”

      And Klanmala and the “establishment” (liberal faux-progressive ghouls, as well as blatantly honest and murderous ghouls endorsing her like Dick Cheney- that alone should say everything) are guilty of far worse, and will certainly do far worse than the nasty orange man ever could (though it’s not for lack of trying).

      1 month ago

      I think it’s possible they’d be able to bring things to a point where even white people will start feeling more the systemically oppressive experience that has already been there for non-white people for the entire country’s history. But the state seems bent on doing that anyway, with stuff like the cop cities being built or already built, the treatment of student protesters, etc. So maybe they’d speed up the degradation of the neoliberal order, but it’s degrading either way and continuously rejecting any attempt to reform it.

      If it happens, I’m doubtful the dem power brokers would be all that upset about it, considering they treat the most milquetoast reformists as more of an enemy than the faction they claim wants to “destroy democracy.” But idk with confidence, sometimes it’s a bit hard to tell how much of it is a show and how much of it is genuine disagreement on how to run a brutal capitalist empire. I lean toward thinking it’s more the loyalist followers who have the disagreement and the show part is among the power brokers running it. But if so, it’s not like you can just leash a thing like that. People believe fervently enough and some of them start acting on it, like with the Jan 6 thing or these assassination attempts made on Trump. One thing seems undeniable though, is neither faction is serious about human rights beyond lip service and future promises easily broken, and it may be much of what remains of it is codified more in the cultural loyalty to the constitution as a document and a fear of visceral backlash against anything that challenges the nature of the document and what extends from it. Like the religiosity that others have touched on before in analyzing the culture.

      I keep trying to understand it better. It’s an odd situation.

          1 month ago

          For sure. And becomes all the more obnoxious to deal with when being guilt-tripped or condescended to by people about it, whether it’s strangers online or people I know in RL.

          I remember one person, saying words to me to the effect of, “Once we stop Trump, then we can worry about other stuff.” And this was coming from a person who afaik tends to be very busy with work and isn’t engaged with politics much beyond believing in the democrats still. So it’s like… uh, “What are you gonna do and when?” Biden has been in office for 4 years, what have the democrats done to meaningfully oppose the Trumpian faction during that period. What have they done to convince anyone they’re better.

          I also remember encountering someone on twitter semi-recently who spoke of how they’re very involved in trying to help people who are in need. And that when the dems are in power, they notice they get less help from others with this. So it’s very much this thing of like, the liberals declare victory and then go to brunch. They more tend to go to sleep on systemic issues when their party is in power (or even go so far as to actively deny and downplay that their party has anything to do with these issues) and then guilt trip and blame game when the people who have been fighting on those issues the whole time don’t want to keep voting for their party. In other words, some of these liberals have condescension for people who are doing way more than them, politically, simply because those people don’t want to vote for the liberals’ party. It’s like this weird sense of entitlement.