China Uncensored is a thrice-weekly satirical show on YouTube in the vein of The Daily Show or The Colbert Report, hosted by Chris Chappell. China Uncensored is highly critical of the current regime in China, raising issues relating to China's …
It’s undeniable that China rescued Tibet from feudal pedophiliac slave-owning landlords, and it’s also undeniable that Falun Gong claimed that their organs are being harvested, despite no proof whatsoever, that numerous independent and foreign doctors testified couldn’t have occurred in the manner as described, and it’s undeniable that you believe everything you read instead of checking your sources and interrogating potential bias and and blindly accepting what the U.S. government-owned western news media tells you to believe.
“If you dare write about <insert thing that undenyingly happened> you are racist”.
Soon you’ll say nothing particular happened in Tiananmen Square either.
It’s undeniable that China rescued Tibet from feudal pedophiliac slave-owning landlords, and it’s also undeniable that Falun Gong claimed that their organs are being harvested, despite no proof whatsoever, that numerous independent and foreign doctors testified couldn’t have occurred in the manner as described, and it’s undeniable that you believe everything you read instead of checking your sources and interrogating potential bias and and blindly accepting what the U.S. government-owned western news media tells you to believe.