If anyone wants to give an ELI5 or a link to a video that ELI5 I’d be incredibly thankful
I swear that all the stuff I find is like super in depth technical stuff that just loses me in no time flat
If anyone wants to give an ELI5 or a link to a video that ELI5 I’d be incredibly thankful
I swear that all the stuff I find is like super in depth technical stuff that just loses me in no time flat
In short a graphics interface with code that is not old af!
I mean
Only relative to Xorg
That’s technically true but not the whole picture since it was missing huge (some would say basic) features I wouldn’t say it was really “released”
It was quite a while after that they called it and it’s libraries feature of complete. With
wmDE integration and multiple monitors coming a while after that, it’s only been in the last maybe 5 years it was really usable? A solid option for a lot of people for maybe half that?That makes it pretty dang new.
Well. Is Xorg feature-complete?
It was the baseline so… Yes?
The feature completion was defined as running most normal applications and by the people working on Wayland not me some random guy on the Internet.
Because no one is going to use Wayland, if they can’t… use it