Since I couldn’t find any site where all the 2025 monster manual previews were gathered, I’ve decided to create my own here. Feel free to add anything I have missed and I’ll update the post!

Official DnD youtube videos:

Statblock previews:

Update 2025-01-13: Artwork and two statblocks, an article on enworld

    2 months ago

    Some of the readability updates (monster location, possible loot, ability scores and initiative bonus) are cool.

    The stat blocks themselves, though, retain the usual problem, imo. These monsters are not up to par with a party of their level. The CR6 cyclops has no legendary resistances, for example, in a game where every martial character forces a saving throw on a hit with the newly introduced weapon masteries.

    They also removed some flavour from the stat blocks. The dragon doesn’t make claws/bite/tail attacks, for example, but generic “rend” attacks.