I got suckered. I saw some posts about how men don’t take care of their skin, and how it has more of an effect as we age. So I thought, what’s the harm? Let’s give it a try!

Welp, after five days of putting a tiny bit of moisturiser on my face, I have a couple of tiny pimples on my nose. I haven’t had zits in decades, and here we are. I stopped applying the moisturiser a couple of weeks ago and I’m still getting those zits.

Thanks skincare.

  • Krudler@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Don’t listen to them, skin care is actually a scam.

    Just get some sunflower oil and put it on your dry skin. That’s all you need.

    Edit also, use the littlest amount of soap and shampoo that is humanly possible, myself I use almost none.

    Edit… I don’t take the down votes personally, most people are locked into the idea that we need to continually slather ourselves in bullshit. Don’t forget that 2 million years of human evolution existed before soap and shampoo and skin care stuff. Basically stop hassling yourself and you’ll get more results.