So, like I said in my intro post, I’m pan but I’m technically sapphic and nonbinary.

I was in a NBLW (and open, so I’m allowed to date/have crushes outside of her) relationship with Natalia (19F), but it was long distance so we only talked through social media and texting.

Natalia has stopped answering my messages and overall just stopped being online as much, when she’s online, she doesn’t make time for me, just her friends. She says “Hi, how are you” or “Hi honey” once in a while if I’m in the group chat with her friends, but we barely talk one-on-one and I barely use the group chat.

She said she would check her messages more but hasn’t 😓

At first, her messages were screenshots to her friends of messages between AI bots. She would post romantic messages in her bio that she used to post with me, and acted super embarrassed when I asked her.

Now, all she does is play video games and her recent messages are just scheduling a time and game or gossip with her friend.

I think we’re basically broken up but I know if I “dared” to do so, she would slander me and call me an abuser/bad person for that just like last time.

On the other hand, I’ve been spending more time with Karl (18M), my friend who I kind of like. He called me cute yesterday, and I just found out that he’s pan (not straight). As an enby, this means I could have a chance with him 👀

  • The Snark
    5 days ago

    Romance is complex but also foundationally quite simple. The relationship can’t survive if there isn’t an overriding sense of positive sentiment going both ways, ie you like each other so much that most problems seem small or irrelevant.

    Nobody should feel threatened by the prospect of breaking off a relationship.

    There’s no referee, it’s up to you to figure out what’s not working and make a change.

    Open relationships take a lot more maturity and care than closed ones, speaking from experience. I hope you do figure it out.

    I’m not recommending any particular course of action - but I do hope you can move towards a situation that doesn’t include neglect or feeling trapped in a situation that doesn’t meet your needs.