• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • To me it sounds like none of us have context, and although inappropriate I suspect it’s far less devastating to the kids being tested than it would be to outside observers imagining themselves in the kids shoes.

    My senior year had a teacher who slipped in a bunch of insider knowledge “material” into their exams to see who was paying attention/wasn’t there that day (“this ocean current should not be confused with this similarly named walk that we used to do when I was in school, if you see it spelled this incorrect way it’s the walk and not the current” (only without the latter qualifier), if any of you have ever taken this class, and didn’t miss lecture that day, you’ll know exactly which high school I went to and who’s class I’m talking about, hit me up!)

  • From my experience, only “borked” are without hope. (Almost?) All of the silver games work on my deck, I can’t remember the last one that didn’t work. I’ve had one verified game that doesn’t work at all, I believe square enix borked it with a patch (because they released the "hd"version and didn’t want to support the previous one, aka they deliberately broke the working version)

  • I had a friend who had a mother in law unit they wanted to rent out occasionally, used air b&b, the county learned of it, I’m not sure how exactly it went down, if they had to pay the fines or just agree to shut it down (fines were "required upgrades and penalties"over hundred thousand dollars, because their septic system wasn’t large enough for the extra people, they were only 3 at the time) but they ended up selling the place, and the whole things is now a long term rental.

    It bummed me out because I hate air b&b and applaud legislation that inhibits people abuse of it, but I feel it does have uses when the system isn’t abused. We can’t have nice things because llc’s are soulless.

  • It’s like gamers grew tired of filling their storage with last generations games (maybe not last, but definitely 2 generations prior) media because we were told they wouldn’t run on the next system.

    Xbox S has actually brought me back to console gaming a bit because 1) my Internet is shit, and 2) I don’t have to buy it rent physical media (2.5 I can play the games on my laptop as well, but I rarely use it since I’ve gotten the deck).

    Valve, and to a lesser extent their deck, has filled that (niche is too small of a word) void nearly perfectly, valve and emulation has brought a dump truck and back hoe to the big 3’s garden party.

  • Man people on the Internet need to not engage with cars as much, they’re clearly ignorant about them and have single instance counterpoints that clearly negate the fact you’ve put out there.

    I swear by my OBD2 readouts, and my friends think I’m a wizard with a thousand dollar tool, rather than a dingus with a dongle, when I tell them what’s wrong with their vehicles.

    I can’t believe you’re being dumped on for having a fact about the industry