• 11 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2024


  • PunchingWood@lemmy.worldtoGames@lemmy.worldThe Eurogamer 100
    21 hours ago

    It’s one of those typical games that I tried because the entire world was lyrical about it, including grown adults. Figured I gave it a shot (as a grown adult myself) and it was indeed during the time we had fuck all to do. Didn’t like the game at all and frankly didn’t see the appeal of it either, it’s fine if people enjoy that kind of gameplay, but it was the most bland and “do your daily chores”-game I’ve ever played. It’s baffling how something so stale was regarded so highly.

  • PunchingWood@lemmy.worldtoGames@lemmy.worldThe Eurogamer 100
    1 day ago

    There are no bad takes, they’re personal preference. Not everyone likes the same game or genre.

    I know people who play Football Manager and Diablo religiously. While I enjoyed Odyssey for a while. Also tons of people still play Mario Kart 8, it’s a fun game for the right audience (not me).

  • Love the game, but stealth definitely was pretty punishing right at the start of the game. That said, it became incredibly easy with the upgrades/unlocks progressing throughout the game, even a bit too easy. Frankly I hope upcoming nerfs don’t make it even easier later in the game.

    I think the best solution for early gameplay would be to give a window of opportunity to react to getting caught. this is also an upgrade (Fast Talker or something like that), so you can send Nix to distract the guy. Perhaps it would be as simple as to have that ability unlocked by default.

    Add a few more checkpoint saves throughout, or simply an option to save in more places since it’s usually disabled in places you sneak about, and I think most issues around stealth would be fixed.

  • It’s just your typical meme-movie that nobody really asked for, they gather a bunch of classic game tropes and shove it into a movie and then max out on publicity like “Haha look, so funny and recognizable Minecraft stuff. Are we right, fellow kids? We totally get you!”.

    They probably could’ve gotten away with it if they just used 3D characters like the Mario movie too and it would’ve worked fine for younger audiences. It probably still will work fine for younger audiences but it feels so terribly forced.

  • All they would probably need to do is replace the main cast with digital game characters, or at least something that’s rendered so they at least blend in a lot better.

    It almost seems like the Sonic movie thing, where they first released a trailer that was so awful they had to change Sonic to look much better. I’m still not sure if it was a very expensive marketing move or not.

  • Damn, it was the one thing I always carried in bot missions. It almost felt like a necessary weapon to work around the stupidly insane amount of ragdolling you otherwise had to deal with from getting too close to some bases.

    Also it’s the only way I managed to do the 6 minute achievement, we dropped, got weapon, I could blast like 6 spawners from my landing area and then we got the fuck out lol

  • To be honest I never found the procedural generation in No Man’s Sky good either.

    It’s a better game by far, but once you have been exploring a few systems you often start finding repetitive content there as well. But there’s definitely more variety than Starfield and it’s mostly seamless too. And NMS came out about 7 years before Starfield.

    I think the biggest issue is Bethesda clinging on to their engine for dear life like it’s their precious baby, and they’re keeping it on life-support with minimal updates.

  • I don’t really feel like you can compare the two games. Starfield was a big scope with mostly procedurally generated content with a few handcrafted areas, which resulted in very repetitive content since they simply didn’t make enough variety in content. I feel like the procedural part and the ship and base building parts took a lot of resources away from other gameplay features, like a more interesting story or more engaing gameplay.

    It also doesn’t help that Starfield still runs on an extremely outdated engine. Even if they updated it, there are still ridiculous limitations that shouldn’t even exist in this day and age. Just looking at Star Wars Outlaws gives a good impression how seamless stuff could’ve been in Starfield. Yet even entering a small shop or your ship requires a loading screen.

    And on top of that the game just runs like absolute garbage on the old engine. When Todd Howard just answered with “just buy an RTX4000 card” it spoke volumes about the lack of optimisation that came with that game.

    That last part is probably gonna be the biggest obstacle for Elder Scrolls 6, but having a handcrafted world will probably let them get away from a complete failure of a game already. Another obstacle might be to write an interesting story and characters, I frankly can’t remember anything from what I played in Starfield, it was generally just boring and Bethesda probably gambled on the open-world exploration experience offsetting that.

    Also Bethesda needs to stop relying on mods saving the game for them, many basic functions are missing and I found myself often needing mods to have an even acceptable experience, especially with Fallout 4 and Starfield. It’s probably why Skyrim is still so popular, because there is that massive collection of mods out there.