Ah the defining characteristic of the conservative, an absolute vaccuum of empathy
Ah the defining characteristic of the conservative, an absolute vaccuum of empathy
Yeah the comments are pretty rational
Yeah I just typed this yesterday and it’s worth putting here too: in the 1930s in Germany there was a group that basically tasked itself with the protection of democracy and they waited for a signal from leadership that never came. Because leadership was waiting for the one moment. Don’t wait.
This, OP - this is the right answer. Take all the opportunies you can. AOC recently said it best: you won’t regret anything you try. Some of it won’t work but if we all work now and keep trying things we can make a difference.
In the 1930s in Germany there was a group that basically tasked itself with the protection of democracy and they waited for a signal from leadership that never came. Because leadership was waiting for the one moment. Don’t wait, try things.
But what, you say, well we’re in uncharted territory now but: join activist groups, protest, make memes, call your congresspeople, if you’re in the gov’t somewhere - gum up the works, if you have money - give to liberty advocates, think of things I haven’t thought of here and do them, and bring friends.
The important thing is that we all do something, and keep doing something. They can only win when we let them.
Yeah it’s definitely something people do when they really believe everything is okay
My prediction was glass but I guess they’re accomplishing their goals just fine without nukes
There’s a big thread on /r/conservative right now circle jerking about how not concerned they all are and how it’s exactly what they voted for. Sure buddy, come back and say that when something shitty Trump does affects YOU which it certainly will.
Totally, same subverting the joke vibes
Y’all are right, there are legitimate complaints to be levvied at the Dems and the DNC and yet voting for Kamala was, and should have been for everyone, the easiest choice I have ever made at the voting booth.
How that absolute certainty got lost in the leadup to the election is one of the greatest cons in the history of politics.
The important thing is ‘are we still owning the libs’?
Besides, anyone paying attention has watched the checks and balances slowly collapsing over the last decade.
Huh: Baba Yaga is an enigmatic or ambiguous character from Slavic folklore who has two opposite roles. In some motifs she is described as a repulsive or ferocious-looking old woman who fries and eats children, while in others she is a nice old woman who helps out the hero. She is often associated with forest wildlife.
Or better yet, hire a legal firm to run down people committing “libel and slander” and a PR firm to astroturf the hell out of social media
Mailman should be fighterfighter
It’s like win-win-win because then you have someone surely going faster ahead of you who’ll get a ticket instead of you. And if there’s a lot of traffic, at least they rear end someone else when traffic suddenly stops.
NPR gets 4% of its funding from the federal government which is surely a lot smaller of a percentage than Musk
There is a theory that Margo was the one who put the bombs. The perp was caught on camera, face covered, but had a certain walk and clothing style that could indicate her
Right wing starlet Erick Erickson likes to wax poetic about how Jesus’ parable about the good Samaritan wasn’t insisting people help those in need, it was about helping only other Christians in need. There was some Bible code or some shit that went into explaining how that worked.