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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023

  • ah, I see where your misconceptions lie, you live in lala land, you don’t actually care, you have heard tankie shit and decided to chug until the bottle is empty, you claim trump is bad at imperialism because what? he was friends with the great people’s republic of North Korea? no, looking at trumps track records he was much more violent and brutal in his foreign policy, he aided and supported the rise of governments that make American imperialism seem benign by comparison.

    and no, while there are only 2 realistic options in the American political race for president, there are a ton of ways you could actually get involved to make a difference.

    then again, please enlighten me as to the post Stalinist democracies in the red fascist nations that you tankies all can’t stop boot licking for.

  • the existence of loan words from other languages does not change the fact that English is a Creole of old German and pre-standardization French

    the list of “English words of German/French origin” would comprise the effective entirety of the language, and that’s ignoring the grammar and sentence structure

  • you’re not very economically literate, are you? overtime pay is not taxed at the marginal tax rate, that’s not what that is.

    the marginal tax rate is the maximum rate your income will end up at, that does not however mean that all your income is taxed at the rate.

    as a very simplified example, assume you have the tax brackets

    • $0-$1000 is 10%
    • $1001-$2000 is 20%
    • $2001-$3000 is 30% etc…

    and you earn $2500, the taxes you will pay are $1000 at 10% -> $100 the next $1000 at 20% -> $200 and the last $500 will be taxed at 30% -> $150

    meaning, in this example, you are paying $450 at a marginal tax rate of 30% on $2500. now overtime can bump you up, for example, imagine you work a LOT over those 40h and earn $3200, now you’re in the next tax bracket due to your earnings.

    also, the whole point is to deny all income above a certain level, or do you really think your boss deserves 3000 times your pay? because he certainly isn’t working 3000 times harder than you are.

  • orrk@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldJump!
    20 hours ago

    I guess this is the part where I tell you that 90% of what you hear about the killdozer guy is complete hogwash. and a lot of the “documentaries” are about as fantasy as Harry Potter.

    the man decided to live in what before was the office area of the garage he bought, was surprised when an industrial building was put up in an industrial zone (why do you think the garage was built there in the first place?) got upset that the city didn’t connect him to the sewer lines for free (it would have required installing and operating a sewage pump alongside the actual sewer lines) and was told to install a septic tank like many Americans. He was then fined for dumping his literal shit into the local water supply.

    he was a petty, spiteful, greedy, deranged, vindictive and straight up evil person

  • However, I don’t think that the theory has been debunked in the way you are describing

    sure, you have listed a few papers, and having skimmed some of them I’m a bit iffy to their relevance mainly as to what numbers they take as indicators what of and at least one had an issue where one of the more prominent indicators they picked is heavily influenced by other outside activity more so than the taxes.

    but here’s the thing, if it was just wrong all the time, it would have predictive power, the fact that it sometimes seems to be correct, and other times it being counter to predictions or being mostly non changing means that it’s not a useful model, and a useless model is trash, and honestly I’m highly skeptical of supply side economics, it has produced relatively little in terms of economic stability, nor sustainability.

    personally, I’m more inclined towards Post-Keynesian demand side economics, and unlike supply side economics, they have actually made predictive models that actually have predictive power

  • ok, so scientifically speaking “proof” is a mathematical concept only, physics doesn’t prove shit, chemistry doesn’t prove shit, no other science proves shit.

    But economics, like every other science out there makes models, these models when applied to certain circumstances make predictions, we test these models by testing the predictions they make.

    The more accurate the prediction the better and more relevant the model, the issue that economics has is that many people instead of looking at the actual science, take the fictional work and claim it reality, mainly because they believe some propaganda commissioned by really wealthy people, to keep their wealth. the Laffer curve is one such example because it allows rich people to invest into lower taxes and increased privatization.

    The Laffer curve isn’t bad because Regan used it, it’s bad because it has a track record of not having any predictive capability.

    Also, there exist mechanisms by what we punish tax evasion, taking the likelihood of tax evasion into account for the purpose of setting tax rates is self-defeating, in the assumption that any persons want the maximum amount of money for themselves would always try to evade taxes, no mater what the tax rate is.

  • no, it is propaganda. I mean, “Taxing at 100% also brings no tax revenue” is already a stupid statement, and is Tautologically contradictory, even more so in a progressive tax system (please look up what the even means, statistically believing in the Laffer curve also comes with a ton of other misconceptions about financial policy)

    also some history to the Laffer curve, it is an unproven theory that basically always get trotted out by the wealthy to argue for lowering taxes, tho it ironically has been shown to have no predictive power whatsoever.

  • how exactly could it get worse? we seem more than happy to have our bombs hit refugee camps.

    this might shock you, but pointing out that neither the democrats not the republicans give a shit isn’t some sinister plot to undermine Biden and get Trump elected, and it’s not like there aren’t enough reasons to go out and vote against Trump. but with regard to the genocide? they are both about the same.