Your average friendly nihilist from Finland.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • There are some cultural differences here that affects the equation. If homelessness is taken care of that doesn’t mean there are no people on the streets. There will however be a a certain “enrichment” in what type of people are there.

    Our constitution demands that everyone must have a life worth human dignity. If somebody looses everything, gouvernment provides housing and funds for minimum standards of living.

    So for that reason, only ones that are on the streets are the ones who can’t/won’t take care of themselves, even if these things are given to then, but are not so far gone they could be institutionalized. Everyone is still free to get hammered and be on the streets.

    Very often these people have long history on substance abuse and have degraded to a level of a child. Police often picks them up, so they can be washed, because they often soil themselves. They are not dangerous, because then they would be institutionalized, but they are very smelly and often vocally abusive.

    Would I open my door to these people? No.

    I would give then food and water if needed, but these are not things they ask for.

  • In many things you need to be accredited by a third party according to some standards and they audit you periodically. They demand that you have shitload of plans, programs, reports, logs and other paperwork required by those standards.

    Auditors mostly only care that the paperwork exists and only focus on the contents on key aspects that are usually clear and short.

  • Omasta kokemuksesta pakko sanoa, että monilla kunnilla on hyvin naiivi suhtautuminen vesihuoltoon. Jos vesi-infraa halutaan sabotoida, onnistuu se helposti. Oikeastaan hyvä, että hiukan maalaillaan uhkakuvia. Varsinkin kun pikkukunnissa monessa asiassa edetään otteella “poikien kanssa tässä vähän puuhaillaan”, eikä ison maailman hömpötykset paina. Jos valmiusharjoituksissa tulee toruja, pistetään silmät kiinni riittävän pitkäksi aikaa ja toivotaan, että asia korjaantuu itsestään tai unohdetaan. Oikeat ratkaisut on kalliita, eikä niihin välttämäti ole rahaa. Teknisesti päteviä henkilöitäkin on vain se yksi, joka yleensä hoitaa sen ulkopuolisen konsultin tilaamisen, kun asia on iso, eikä sitä voi muuten välttää.