More Swedes want to switch currency from the krona to the Euro, with support the highest it’s been since 2009, according to a survey by Gothenburg University’s SOM Institute.


    15 hours ago

    What I am saying is that if the economy grows and the it requires more money, then adopting the euro there are two options. Either money flows in from other countries or the European Central Bank raises interest rates. Unlike just adopting another countries currency like say Ecuador the USD, joing the Eurozone wourld mean that Sweden gets a seat on the Gouverning Council of the ECB, which gives them a vote on raising interest rates or other central bank policies.

    As for the second point. Between 1983 and 2003 Canadas economy shrank for only a single year. Debt to GDP was at its highest in 1997, so they most certainly did not give a crap about balancing the budget or anything like it. They wanted to sell public assets and needed an excuse to do so. Thats all that is an excuse.