Rachael Lillis, a voice actor who starred in many “Pokémon” films and series as the characters Misty, Jessie and more, died Aug. 10. She was 46.
Lillis was diagnosed with breast cancer in May 2024. Veronica Taylor, Lillis’ “Pokémon” co-star who voiced the lead character Ash Ketchum, posted a statement on X Monday morning that announced Lillis’ death.
TIL Misty and Jessie are the same VA.
I had no idea, and also didn’t realize how young she was when she started voicing these characters.
She also voices Jigglypuff!
Damn, I hear her almost every day when I play Super Smash Bros 64 with my son. That’s a bummer. Fuck cancer.
Were. 😬
Dang, RIP. I still have a copy of the first movie, signed by all three voice actors (my mum ordered it for a birthday when I was much younger, around the time of the movie release).
That’s incredibly young.
This is why you go to the doctor every year. No one is ‘too young’ to have an issue.
Too fuckin young. RIP. Thanks for being a part of my childhood
Jesus. Diagnosed in May and gone by August.
Please get screened, y’all. And bring a friend.
Yup, at least she went fast… I have countless stories of people who fought for years, only to die in pain at the end anyway.
But friends, do get tested, and for the fellas out there: feel your balls, if they’re not painless, smooth, and somewhat matching in size and shape, then you go get a lollipop at the doctor’s office.
I have countless stories of people who fought for years, only to die in pain at the end anywa
We all either go quickly or in pain.
My uncle lasted 40+ years surviving Cancer, through bout after bout. We had better early-detection, back then, and better treatment, and he’d get more rads or a piece cut out and off he’d go. His subtle wisdom and dry wit coloured three generations by the time he was done.
Then covid hillbilly ‘raghts’ chased all the older, more skilled docs away, so we don’t have time for a proper treatment plan.
Fuck Cancer! Goddamm this is sad.