wouldn’t have imagined seeing something like this a month ago
Honestly these sentiments I feel would turn people towards communism if we pretend to share this same sentiment. It’s like spreading communism in disguise. Honestly if they were doing that, they’re pretty damn smart.
As soon as someone says “AGI” I stop reading but it’s good that for once the term was uttered by someone who is not a rabid sinophobe.
AGI, apparently you keep reading.
Another feddit domain comment another banger
To be fair, it was a mediocre, yet amusing joke
Hey at least I give you ample chance to feel like you are somehow better than me!
They keep coming
Perhaps, but that shouldn’t be your goal imo. Engaging in intelligent dialogue is almost always more appealing than seeing someone debase themself. You can be better :) I believe in you
I am better, I’m just helping him feeling less bitter. I don’t find it in the least debasing boosting a fellow human confidence.
Excellent! Since you are better, then you can show it with your actions :)
That’s a simple but often underappreciated equivalence.
scintillating wit
It’s literally what my 18 yrs old lib ass would’ve said and here I am now. Let’s hope their journey will not end abruptly over some random
Almost no one changes their entire political worldview overnight. We are trying to get more people to join us – we can’t just shut everyone out who doesn’t immediately agree with whatever our personal vision of communism is.
Don’t understand how you can say political power is under the rule of law in the US when a man with tens of felony counts is about to become President. It’s been known for decades that there’s one justice system for the proletariat and another for the bourgeoisie.
For some reason libs think that the “rule of law” is a sentient being that should be obeyed by politics, and not that politics is what creates the rule of law.
time will tell
time has already told
the contradictions being hella stressed if AI reddit bros are starting to understand china as a country and not the bad guys from their favorite fantasy novels
It’s becoming hard to ignore the contradictions in the western system and the fact that China is visibly pulling ahead technologically. I expect now that China has caught up with the west, we’re going to start seeing Chinese tech rapidly eclipse western capabilities.
China a population that can match all of the west combined, and people are provided with an excellent education system. On top of that, the government directs the trajectory of technological development ensuring that it’s largely productive as opposed to simply being done for the sake of generating profit. The use of AI in China being largely seen in industry and healthcare compared to AI being mostly used for chatbots in the west is a great example of the contrast in priorities.
The other aspect to keep in mind is that technology tends to be self reinforcing. For example, having more computing power means you can process more data, run more detailed simulations, and so on. This directly facilitates developing even more powerful computers. Such gains apply across the board making it cheaper and faster to develop all kinds of technology. The only limiting factor is the will of the nation to pursue advancement.
This is materialism in action. Their ideas are crashing against reality and even if it takes a while, reality wins out in the end.
Reverse engineer geniuses
I’m sure the CPC and Chinese industry made efforts to effectively reverse engineer technology, but a vast majority of “IP theft”/reverse engineering cases are western companies agreeing to share information to have their shit made in China. Guess what, people who have been making your product for years who have developed the know-how to make their own version will be much better than the people who haven’t set foot on a factory floor in decades. It’s deindustrialisation on the small scale.
Awful system on paper
I guess any system looks awful of one’s head is up their ass, especially if it’s not endemic to their intestines.
It’s almost like being communist means being left wing or something.
I’ll give them a little bit of credit for even calling China leftwing, but I think that this is more indicative of their turn against democracy and desire for a benevolent monarchy. Their conception of China still looks to be unreconstructed.
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That was some of the most lucid shit I’ve ever read from libs.
libs are at the acceptance stage?
It’s more like, they can’t deny that China is better but have to still add in little quips like "I’m means it’s still bad and I don’t support it, but it’s better than us in every way, but still bad "
Yeah its so funny, its like theyre one foot in and other out 😂 theyre terrified of getting called tankies or CPC agents so they have to make it clear that china still bad, but not that bad. Maybe in a couple of years theyll fully transition.
lol china already looks good in comparison
“yo, those chinese are suffering under a dictatorship and sheeit, but…somehow they look more free and progressive than us, maybe they’re not so bad those commies!”