has no female friends
What do you want to bet that this is probably the only thing on this list that the original OP firmly qualifies for.
Surely the person posting this “can handle heavy labor”.
Averts his eyes from other women
How does he have a wife if he seems to hate interacting with women so much?
dresses formally
Fuckin loser nerd
That’s always the first warning sign
The closest I get to dressing formally is wearing an untucked button down shirt because its the only thing that goes good with the leather duster I can wear for exactly 2 months out of the year.
Closest is random collar shirt when forced to wear, otherwise white hoodie and black pants.
I…actually do this one.
I just like wearing nice trousers and blazers (is that formal?). I like neckties too. I don’t care what anyone else wears though.
okay you get a pass
tbh this guy would not be “intellectually stimulating” at all, he’d prolly be spitting polyphobic drivel across the whole room tbh
intellectually stimulating
This just means that their dream guy has read both Mein Kampf and the Turner Diaries.
You give too much credit. They didn’t read Mein Kampf, they just looked up quotes online.
The caveat there is that his only interests are facts about World War 2 and modern conservative politics.
He also knows a lot of various quotes by Marcus Aurelius.
Only about a third of these traits are things I’d find attractive in a man, most of the remainder are red flags
Sent from Mdewakanton Dakota lands / Sept. 29 1837
Treaty with the Sioux of September 29th, 1837
“We Will Talk of Nothing Else”: Dakota Interpretations of the Treaty of 1837
I don’t even have a clam and I clam jammed at this guy
No female friends is a massive red flag lmao
“Only has friends of similar characteristics” holy dogwhistle
Sounds pretty boring to have a gaggle of hens follow you around
has no female friends
averts his eyes from other women
only has friends of similar characteristics
This guy sounds like a fucking loser.
Gay white supremacist?
So you’ve got to break rocks with a big sledgehammer while wearing a suit and tie while singing hymns to Jesus. And they have to pay you a million dollars to do it.
Got it.
break rocks with a big sledgehammer
Who said anything about using sledgehammer?
If a guy came walking towards me in the club with that look on his face I know what he is after and it is not the women lol
cares for animals
oh so you’re vegan right?
you’re vegan, right?
only has friends of similar characteristics