Nowadays it’s the online account centric shite and all the privacy implications that come along with it. But even before that it was annoying to just trying to do the thing
Doing the thing on linux: command that does the thing
Doing the thing on windows: click here, click there, click some more, second tab, submenu, click advanced, type in the info, save, ok, “yes I’m sure”, click ok, click apply, close 626254 windows, rebootAnd most people still seem to prefer that because terminal bad.
Keep your files safe with One Drive, are you sure you dont want your personal home files on our cloud?
Please sign into your account again, to save time, you can always stay signed in on this device (Lie)
Your mailbox location has moved, you can use a temporary mailbox, or work offline.
We need more information from you to setup phone-sign in. Sorry, an error occurred, please contact your administrator
Welcome to the New Microsoft ___!
I am so tired and this is only my 4th year.
Clicking on a URL in a non-browser app? Surely you want to see that in Edge and not your default browser.
Yeah and every file type opening in edge for some reason? Annoying.
I’m so sick of this. Didn’t they catch a lawsuit over this the first time and have to make it so you can uninstall it?
Eroding / taking away user agency. It’s always little bits they chip away but over the time those chips amount to a huge cut off edge of things you cannot do anymore, or only through very convoluted and potentially breaking third party tweaks & tools. Every Windows installation ended up with a growing shit-list of things to do. Disable this, tweak that, download tool X, Y & Z just to further disable & tweak shit, and whoop-de-doo several hours have already passed when you’re finally “done”. Then, in the middle of doing shit, Windows update! “No! Go away!” 10 minutes later… “Hey, I think you forgot about me?” - “NO, I UPDATE WHEN I SHUT THE DAMN PC DOWN, NOT IN THE MIDDLE OF THINGS! GO AWAY!” … “BUT HAVE YOU HEAR ABOUT OUR LORD AND SAVIOR, THE WINDOWS UPDATE?! OH AND BY THE WAY, WE RE-ENABLED OUR SPYING OPTIONS AGAIN AND WILL SEND ALL THE UNSENT DATA BEFORE YOU CAN DISABLE IT AGAIN!”
At some point I just realized that using Windows became more of a hassle than using Linux. And when you finally do the switch, you suddenly realize how fucking awesome it is that your OS is not constantly nagging you, not constantly spying on you, not constantly fighting you, not constantly changing its configuration to re-enable the things you purposefully disabled. I finally have an operating system again that does what I want it to do, a system that respects my privacy, as well as me as a user.
It gets to a point where it doesn’t feel like you have control over your own computer.
For me, a big one was how it would constantly wake from sleep for no reason or to update. If put it to sleep and most times it would wake before I even s stood up from my desk. And there are settings you can change to stop that, but Windows will just randomly reset them.
And this is a really small one, but Windows 11 dropping features that Windows 10 has. It’s very stupid that Windows 11 won’t let you have a vertical task bar.
I’ve been a Windows user for 30+ years and always loved that OS until recently. But now I love Linux. An OS that truly lets me own my computer and do what I want.
Ads in a purchased OS.
Forced Edge openings that, as far as I can tell, can’t be avoided.
This is not the kind of forced edge I like.
- The search in the start menu searching the fucking web with bing instead of my computer
- Accidentally hitting F1 and Edge immediately opens with some “help”
Try MSEdgeRedirect, friend. It won’t stop it from opening a browser, but at least it won’t be Edge.
I switched to Linux Mint, it helped as well!
Notifications, suggestions, and just generally having make the OS get out of my way so I could do what I needed.
When they’re not installed correctly, you can get air leaks that make it massively more expensive to heat or cool your home.
I have to use Windows for work and the most annoying thing is the OneDrive-Sync. It makes the explorer extremely slow. When I open it, sometimes it takes more than 5 sec till I can use it. Wtf is this, 1997? Another thing is Teams with the awful performance and constant design changes.
And the “endpoint protection” that scans god only knows what (sends it all online too) when you, tadam, opens the context menu by right clicking. It often takes 40 seconds.
My computer installing an update and restarting because I was away from my desk. I won’t settle for any other OS though since Paint Tool SAI only runs on Windows.
That’s on you. Mine’s set to update at night so I never even notice.
Ah yes. Come back in the morning to resume my work and everything is closed. Thanks, Microsoft.
To list a few:
- Onedrive deleting my files
- Very slow
- ads
- ai bullshit
- updating is a pain
- recall
Lots of stuff and while telemetry eventually made me quit, the most annoying have always been random performance issues. Still have to use Windows at work and I sometimes get progress bars in the Windows Explorer when accessing a fucking directory on the local SSD.
On my old computer whenever I would launch my computer, the desktop icons would be randomly strewn around the desktop. I had to get a utility app that I would run manually every time my computer started in order to fix it.
I guess this is moot for you, but for anyone else,
Having to use the wrong slash everywhere
Have you ever tried just using forward slashes anyway? It works more or less some of the time.
Yes, except where it doesn’t, which you have to remember, which makes it just another annoyance.
My solution is to run everything through msys2 😅
I’d actually like it if it was backslash for local paths and forward slash for remote paths. But if you connect to a cifs share, it still uses backslashes, so the whole thing seems pointless