• barsoap@lemm.ee
    3 months ago

    Thats not a good criticism of societies priorities, because those things are not mutually exclusive and making a show on netflix is much easier than curing cancer.

    That’s a nice strawman, there. Why don’t you ask the direct question: Are advances in laundry and dish washing technology easier or harder than in image generation?

    You made no argument as to why automating art should actually be easier – all you provide is an assertion. Consider the billions sunk into buying shovels from nvidia, how much progress could’ve been made on the laundry front?

    Then, your whole line of inquiry is missing the point: It’s not so much about relative complexity of the tasks, but the fact that we do enjoy the one, but not the other. What does it say about a society when we focus on automating what we like to do at the expense of stuff that we don’t like to do?

    Or, differently put: How much advancement in AI do we need to make to have it ask us what a dabbling beginner artist can already ask us, and that is why the hell are we making this choice, and not the other? Art is the science of choice, give it some respect.

    What you’re doing there is not being smart, being all so enlightened rational MINT brained, what you’re doing is going to extreme lengths to ignore a simple question. Was that choice conscious?

    • gmtom@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      That’s a nice strawman, there

      Thats not what a strawman is.

      Why don’t you ask the direct question: Are advances in laundry and dish washing technology easier or harder than in image generation?

      Harder, obviously.

      You made no argument as to why automating art should actually be easier

      Apologies, I assumed people had common sense, but you’ve made it clear I was incorrect. My bad

      Consider the billions sunk into buying shovels from nvidia,


      Then, your whole line of inquiry is missing the point: It’s not so much about relative complexity of the tasks, but the fact that we do enjoy the one, but not the other. What does it say about a society when we focus on automating what we like to do at the expense of stuff that we don’t like to do?

      Its actually like talking to a brick wall.

      I need you to understand that people dont sit in meetings and say “should we casually create robots that can do all our daily chores and free the working class from the chains of capitalist oppression, or do we automate furry porn???” We are not automating art at the expense of laundry.

      1. We a re doing both

      2. and I hate that you’re making me repeat this over and over because you have tumblr levels of reading comprehension. Its orders of magnitude easier to white a computer program than it is to build a fucking robot.

      What you’re doing there is not being smart, being all so enlightened rational MINT brained

      The absolute. fucking. Irony.

      simple question. Was that choice conscious?

      Youre still missing the ENTIRE FUCKING POINT of my comment. There isnt a choice, this isnt 1 or the other. For the love of god learn to read.

      • barsoap@lemm.ee
        3 months ago
        Consider the billions sunk into buying shovels from nvidia,


        “When there’s a gold rush, be the one who sells shovels”.

        “should we casually create robots that can do all our daily chores and free the working class from the chains of capitalist oppression, or do we automate furry porn???”

        Why not? Why aren’t we doing it? Why aren’t you doing it, why are you reinforcing us not doing it by putting other perspectives down as “braindead artist takes”?

        There isnt a choice, this isnt 1 or the other.

        Maybe not a binary choice, but there’s definitely a priority. People question that priority. Is that question, in your perspective, valid? Would it hurt humanity if we replaced, say, 0.1% of pointless meetings with meetings discussing robots vs. furry porn?

        Be bold, ask that question.

        • gmtom@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          Why not? Why aren’t we doing it? Why aren’t you doing

          For the exact same reason YOU nor anyone else is curing cancer, or sending people to Mars, or letting us live forever or creating usable fusion power plants.

          And I have told you those reasons MULTIPLE FUCKING TIMES. But your head is so far up your own arse it’s like you are physically incapable of reading anything that goes against your dog shit, braindead world view.

          So I will reiterate for the umpteenth time:

          1. We are doing

          2. It’s really fucking difficult so it takes time.

          Do you understand this time or do you need me to draw you a fucking picture?

          • barsoap@lemm.ee
            3 months ago

            I need you to understand that people dont sit in meetings and say “should we casually create robots that can do all our daily chores and free the working class from the chains of capitalist oppression, or do we automate furry porn???”

            There you’re saying we aren’t doing it.

            We are doing

            Now you’re saying we are doing it.

            But I think we should set that aside for a second. The actual question I am interested in getting an answer for from you is “should we be doing it”.

            • gmtom@lemmy.world
              3 months ago

              I think I would have an easier time explaining this to my dog.

              That’s my entire fucking point. That we are in fact trying to do it. But because it’s a complicated problem, we haven’t done it yet.

              Do you understand what I’m saying???

              That we are trying to do those things, right? It’s not like people working on AI image generation mean we can’t also work on automating other things.

              Like can you understand that the 8 billion or so humans on this planet are capable of working on at least 2 things at once?

              should we be doing it".

              As I’ve said multiple times: yes and we already are.

              Do you understand the word “yes”? Do you need me to explain it to you a couple more times??

              • barsoap@lemm.ee
                3 months ago

                That we are trying to do those things, right? It’s not like people working on AI image generation mean we can’t also work on automating other things.

                Not what I was asking. I was asking whether:

                Would it hurt humanity if we replaced, say, 0.1% of pointless meetings with meetings discussing robots vs. furry porn?

                That is, whether we should be thinking more actively about our priorities and choices.

                • gmtom@lemmy.world
                  3 months ago

                  whether we should be thinking more actively about our priorities and choices.

                  I can actually feel my braincells fucking killing themselves from every interaction I have with you.

                  So instead of explaining the same fucking thing for the FITH FUCKING TIME to someone that is either a troll or someone with less mental capacity than a cold bowl of soup im just moving on.