Secretary of State Marco Rubio grew visibly frustrated during an ABC News interview when questioned about the Trump administration’s approach to Russia.
Defending Trump’s push for peace talks with Putin, Rubio insisted negotiations were necessary but admitted the administration didn’t know Russia’s demands.
He clashed with host George Stephanopoulos over Trump’s refusal to call Putin a dictator and the U.S. siding with Russia in a recent UN vote.
Rubio also compared Trump’s handling of Ukraine to Biden’s approach to Israel, further escalating tensions.
Rubio also compared Trump’s handling of Ukraine to Biden’s approach to Israel, further escalating tensions.
Well… that’s not too far off
Placating? More like deep throating. The US is gluckglucking Russia and liking it.
the administration didn’t know Russia’s demands.
I’m beginning to feel there’s a fundamental disconnect between the vocabulary of everyday people and that journalists use. I can only imagine how the dialogue goes around a journalist’s house.
“Honey, have you heard about the Winstons?”
“No, why?”
“Fred from accounting SLAMMED they’re planning to move to Wisconsin.”
“Oh, I see. Did you GRILL him about where exactly they’d be going?”
“Yeah, I HAMMERED him with questions until he MELTED down. IN TEARS, he SCREAMED at me, ‘Yeah, somewhere near Madison.’”
“You know… politely.”This title is misleading. I watched the whole 9min and he was calm and collected in his delivery. Was he frustrated at the leading questions? Yes. Was he melting down? Ya no, not even close.
The Daily Beast with a bullshit, misleading, clickbait headline? Surprising.
I’m sure I downvote Daily Beast articles more than any other site. I wish people would find other sources - although the stories might not sound as exciting.
The summary is reasonable though. Again we are cutting trump and his underlings a ton of slack about his campaign claims of fixing the war in 24 hours, and 6 weeks into his presidency. No, we should not accept political hyperbole just because it comes from trump, and Stephanopoulos was rightly asking how does calling Zelenskyy a dictator (and undercutting Ukraine-supporting allies) but sucking up to putin move peace talks forward?
As I said before, the way trump makes these deals is like putting duct tape on your passenger door, calling yourself a master mechanic, and then blame next mechanic when the car falls apart.
The only person to talk about backing out of NATO since its creation has been Putin/Xi and Trump/Musk. So why wouldn’t everyone think it?
NATO is Russia/China’s greatest deterrent. It’s literally devastating to our national security to pull out–so clearly only a bad actor would want that… It’s pretty goddamn obvious.
deleted by creator
Some people have thoughts that lead to other thoughts. Then they apply those new thoughts to the original problem.
Trump backs Putin. Trump was told to pull out of NATO. Trump has talked about it. That helps Putin.
The only person to talk about backing out of NATO since its creation has been Putin/Xi and Trump/Musk.
That’s not true. Ron/Rand Paul, Ross Perot, Pat Buchanan, and a number of other paleocons have been championing this for decades.
Trump’s just the first guy to make it all the way to the White House with the view. But it isn’t unique to Trump, nor is it particularly unpopular. Lots of Americans, particularly poorer and more rural ones, see these foreign alliances as an unnecessary extravagance.
They don’t like it any more than they liked NAFTA or the WTO or the UN.
NATO is Russia/China’s greatest deterrent.
What is The North Atlantic Treaty Organization detering China from doing, exactly?
That’s not true.
I was being facetious.
What is The North Atlantic Treaty Organization detering China from doing, exactly?
Anything in the South China Sea or the Indo-Pacific that they shouldn’t be doing. China literally just says sometimes “Hey, nice land you got there. Would be a fuckin’ shame if we took it…” and then just pretends like that land has always been a part of China. They literally do it all the time. They’re attempting to expand their empire and without the presence of NATO, there would be no one to stop them… Especially from capturing strategic or necessary assets that are critical to the US, like Taiwan. If we lose Taiwan we’re pretty much omega-fucked and I don’t think people appreciate that fact enough.
NATO is the largest nuclear deterrent in the world and if we pull out, it’s like taking all the ammo out of our really big guns. It’s such an astonishingly stupid move I cannot even believe that anyone with a pulse would or even could support it. It leaves me fuckin’ bewildered.
Anything in the South China Sea or the Indo-Pacific that they shouldn’t be doing.
Such as? What isn’t China doing that they would be doing without British or French intervention?
China literally just says sometimes “Hey, nice land you got there. Would be a fuckin’ shame if we took it…”
You sure you’re not confusing China with the United States?
NATO is the largest nuclear deterrent in the world
Deterant to what? They certainly didn’t keep Russia out of Georgia, Crimea, or the Donbas.
Such as?
I literally went on to explain. So either you’re being disingenuous here or you just don’t read. Either way, I’m out.
You sure you’re not confusing China with the United States?
Boom, there it is!
I Guess we’re just ignoring all the shit they’re pulling by dumping sand and dirt into the ocean and calling it a Chinese island, and all the shit they’re doing near Taiwan.
Can’t wait for someone to pull out a 400 year old map to justify modern day imperialism again!
I Guess we’re just ignoring all the shit they’re pulling
The host asks: “Are you saying that the Chinese or the Russians behave better than us, Westerners, currently, in your opinion?”
“Oh absolutely!” he replies, “You don’t quite understand African realities… it’s astonishing to see how we are very distant in terms of cultures. We cannot understand why you come to give us lessons, for example, on human rights.”
Reminds of the now famous saying from a Kenyan official: "Every time China visits we get a hospital, every time Britain visits we get a lecture”…
Can’t wait for someone to pull out a 400 year old map to justify modern day imperialism again!
glances at a map of US military bases
The crazy thing about NATO is how much of it hinges on the political attitude of a single man in a big white house within walking distance of the Potomac. So many eggs placed in one basket. And then the Americans spill it… twice.
But you cling to NATO like its something so much more than the legacy of American post-war expansionism. Like it really is an enthusiastic alliance between Atlantic Nations and not the biggest kid on the playground shaking down everyone else for their lunch money.
@Xanza probably doesn’t know anything past what CNN and Facebook has told them about things.
Why can’t we have a woman president? They’re too emotional for politics?
Also: the emotional melt down is a tactic. This is populism trump style, none of this is unintentional
We currently have a woman president. Trump signed an EO saying that all Americans are female so he’s the first woman president.
Just to be fair: Only women can be elected president for the next 47 presidents.
Can we write s sanity test into the Constitution?
Or maybe we don’t vest so much power into a single psychotic ape. Maybe we have three presidents and they all have to agree before something happens, like the computers on the space shuttle
Or maybe zero presidents?
Or maybe like 200,000,000 presidents? Direct democracy go brrr.
A triumvirate?
Just a speed bump on the way to a dictatorship.
Okay how about everyone votes on everything? That actually sounds awesome.
It sounds awesome until you remember that we can barely get half our population to vote for president most of the time and that the average voter is uninformed and poorly educated.
I’m fine with that, as long as a sanity test gets written into the Constitution. I believe it should apply to all reps. But then if they change the definition of sanity… I don’t know what the best way forward is, but it’s surely not regression.
Counterpoint: Fetterman.
Dude had a stroke and stuck his tongue up Trump’s asshole. Even if they pass the sanity test they could have some kind of traumatic brain injury that makes them jerks.
Plus I consider all humans to be psychotic apes who I wouldn’t trust as far as I can throw them. Including myself.
Fetterman was a plant. Someone posted an article about how he actually governed before he was a national level leader.
Plus I consider all humans to be psychotic apes who I wouldn’t trust as far as I can throw them. Including myself.
Fair point, and thanks for reminding me! The people who don’t want it are probably the people most capable and worthy. I look forward to your filing as a candidate! 😀
Don’t hurt me please. I’m only half serious, but it’s exactly people with this attitude who should probably be on the ballot.
There seemed to be quite a few who were just there to sabotage the party from within, such as Manchin.
The people who don’t want it are probably the people most capable and worthy. I look forward to your filing as a candidate! 😀
This comment made me realize I have a religious obligation to run for office. And then if I win to not do the job at all.
The major problem, one of the major problems, for there are several, with governing people is that of who you get to do it. Or, rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. To summarize: It is a well known and much lamented fact that those people who most want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it.
To summarize the summary: Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made president should on no account be allowed to do the job.
To summarize the summary of the summary: people are a problem.
- Douglas Adams
Would having MTG as president help?
It’s all unintentional. Their based will accept anything their king and his court declare as the truth.
From their perspective it is all intentional, don’t let their blind loyalty sway you to their view.
No, TRUmp is placating Putin. He’s got to be a Russian asset.
Its treason, and US own citizen are cheering him on for it. Russia actually won the cold war. Props to Putin for that.
Stopping any cyber offense/defense towards russia is just straight up treasonous at this point.
Obviously, the US should hack the Kremlin, but if Russia hacks the Pentagon, I will be very mad!!
I am very smart.
Russia has been a constant cybersecurity threat against the other superpowers since the internet has been a thing…
Stop projecting…
And hacking them back solves that? No.
Wow, you’re a genius of counter intelligence it seems.
Please educate us with your vast knowledge!
I did say I was very smart.
Rubio also compared Trump’s handling of Ukraine to Biden’s approach to Israel, further escalating tensions.
Distracting from Trump’s servile position towards the fascists in control of present day Russia by using the favorite logical fallacy of the USSR, whataboutism, is either highly ironic or very on the nose depending on which axis of the political compass you choose to focus on…
I guess if you don’t want the world to think trump isn’t sucking putins dick every chance he gets then i guess he should just stop sucking putins dick every chance he gets.
Hey hey hey don’t forget you’ve got to allow for all the time trump spends with putins dick up inside his arsehole - gotta be at least a 50/50 split imo
Biden’s approach to Israel
seems absolutely sane by comparison to your boss, there, buddy.
and if you were going to ‘biden’ your support for ukraine, there’d be a non-stop airlift going on with equipment and armaments.
Oh Mr Rubio, only difference is Israel aipac is funding all of you congreswith bribes do their bidding
seems absolutely sane by comparison to your boss, there, buddy.
Coming at the Israeli genocide in Gaza and calling it “sane” is one hell of a take.
He called it “sane by comparison”. He didn’t say it was sane. Words mean things.
He called it “sane by comparison”.
It’s genocide. There’s no comparison.
Oh, you’re one of those who can’t distinguish between genocide and super-genocide with golf resorts. I wish the world were as simple as people like you seem to believe.
This really is what people believe.
The problem is that most people handling this current situation through the lens of classic geopolitics
This is not classic geopolitics. This is the ultra wealthy enacting their plan to create a global plutocracy. A ruling class of only the most wealthy in the world.
They believe that their plans are more easily achieved with a Russian empire than with a free Ukraine.
Ask people like Rubio questions using that as the basis, not classic geopolitics.
Yes, yes, a billion times yes.
To me, the fundamental problem - the primary reason that it seems so difficult to deal with Trump - is that so many politicians and analysts and commentators are still spproaching issues as if the old rules are still in place, and they quite simply aren’t.
Every time that another analysis or editorial appears that discusses the “failures” of the Trump administration, since their policies will undermine the original goals of the agency/programs in question, it’s ultimately just meaningless noise, since it starts with the patently false presumption that the original goals still count. They don’t.
The Trump administration isn’t failing to achieve traditional goals - it’s succeeding in achieving an entirely new and different set of goals. And there isn’t going to be any meaningful commentary until it focuses on those new goals.
Just because Trump has different motivations doesn’t mean that’s the correct framing for questions. Questions and accusations are more for the audience than trying to get Trump to reconsider why he’s doing something, and at least currently that bias toward “how things were supposed to work” still exists in the general public.
Questions and accusations are more for the audience than trying to get Trump to reconsider why he’s doing something
I’m fully aware of that (and the notion tgat Trump would ever reconsider anything is foolish on its face). And it’s for the audience that the politicians and analysts and commentators need to change the context of their analyses.
and at least currently that bias toward “how things were supposed to work” still exists in the general public.
And that’s a lot of the problem. The people need to be smacked upside the head with the two-by-four of truth.
Agree, the paradigm has changed and needs fresh eyes.
This is exactly correct, and the Rubios and Grahams currently participating will be discarded like fish and chips paper before the sun sets.
Putin wrote the book on this and it’s playing out page by page.
Putin is one of the most wealthy people on the planet
And yet when he was recalled to Moscow after the fall of the Berlin Wall he brought back a washing machine because he couldn’t get one back home.
Dude started at the bottom and now he’s here. Game recognize game.
Is there an estimate of liquid net worth? I’m curious.
It’s difficult to estimate because of how much of it is hidden through shell corporations, offshore accounts, or simply under other people’s names.
Putin also has incredibly expensive homes, yachts, etc, they’re just under a different entities’ name
Yes I remember an article a long time ago about a palatial, secret estate. I believe the that of any more leaks was neutralized.
He’s allegedly have more than a trillion stashed at some of the Swiss ,cyprus or European banks
You mean the West is talking out of both sides of our mouths?! Nooo!
That’s s lot of bread. I wonder if it was in any of the leaks by Snowden, Assange etc that got good people branded as terrorists or enemies of states?
The Republicans are making a real effort to convince themselves that we’re now at war with Eastasia. But it doesn’t seem to work too good: however much they’re trying to integrate the newthink, their brains are working against decades of anti-Soviet and anti-Russian indoctrination.
It’s really painful and embarassing to watch them try to reprogram their own brains to please their cult leader…
Listening to this guy reminded me of Thank You for Smoking, which is a dark comedy of a tobacco industry spokes person trying to make smoking cool and acceptable again. So much bullshit, so little substance. Marco, we’ve all seen your face during the meeting, bullshitting like this won’t save it.
Compare the way he talks about Putin with the way he talks about Zelenskyy.
With Putin, we have to see what he wants, we have to try to work with him and understand his position, we can’t do anything that might make him uncomfortable so he doesn’t decide he doesn’t want to talk to us, and his broken agreements are in the past while we need to be moving forward.
On the other hand, he repeatedly states that they’ve “explained this” to Ukraine, that we can’t discuss what they want or what their concerns are, we need to focus on getting peace first, and Zelenskyy is at fault because was disrespectful which apparently we can’t ignore for the sake of peace the way we can ignore a history of Putin violating peace deals.
If they actually meant what they are saying and this was all about diplomacy and achieving peace, they wouldn’t be picking a fight with Ukraine, they wouldn’t be publicly undermining them and trying to coerce them, and they wouldn’t be refusing to acknowledge any of their concerns. These motherfuckers think that it’s a good look for them to be throwing a tantrum about the way Zelenskyy dresses and getting pissy about him not being thankful enough for the way they are so generously pursuing a peace that carves up Ukraine and comes without security of any kind. That’s the way they want to spin this. Because apparently they think acting like thrid grade bullies who try to pick on the smaller kids is admirable, that people will see it and think they look smart and tough.
The only thing I even find remotely believable in this interview is Rubio’s mantra of “I don’t understand.” Just in general I think it’s pretty clear that there’s a hell of a lot he doesn’t understand. Things like human decency, geopolitics, basic negotiation tactics, and parables about riding tigers and giving rides to scorpions. But I think he probably does understand that his position is pure bullshit and that his only job here is to try and tow the line while defending the indefensible. That’s why he got so panicked when a tweet from a fellow republican came up, because his strategy was to avoid details and try to frame the backlash as partisan politics, so he can’t really respond to Republican criticism.
Well said. Username also checks out